During this morning's MGL Radio program from Wild Bluff in Brimley, we "cracked the code" of Distance Measuring Devices (DMDs) by interviewing reps from Bushnell and Skycaddie. With golfers evenly split between the laser devices and GPS technology, I thought it would be fun to create a unique competition that gives you a chance top win your choice of a Bushnell Yardage Pro of Skycaddie GPS system. Both are valued at more than $300. Here's how the competition works...
In order to be entered into the drawing for one of the 2 prizes, you must write a brief "essay" of 25 words or less making the case for why you should win.
Be creative and funny in your essay as we'll have a panel of 3 judges select the winner.
The wining entry will be read next week on MGL Radio and we'll bring you on the show LIVE to announce the results.
Post your essays here in the Clubhouse, but be sure to sign in so we know how to contact you in the event you win.
What you see is what you get, I grabbed my seven iron and took a whack only to discover the pin was at the back
Good stuff - thanks for entering via the blog.
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